Sleep debt calculator

Are you dreaming your days away?
If you're not catching enough Z's on a regular basis you could be racking up a sleep debt that you can't repay. Most of us would admit that we love our beds and can't get enough of those weekend lie in's. But what many don't realise is that under sleeping during the week (or any time on a regular basis) could lead to a sleep debt that can't be repaid. Take a couple of minutes to answer these questions and find out just how much shut-eye you're missing and what you could be missing out on, as a result.
How old are you?
Please enter a valid age in years between 0 years and 100 years
What gender are you?
What time do you usually go to sleep on a weekday?
What time do you usually wake up on a weekday?
Sorry we don't allow 0 hours sleep
What time do you usually go to sleep on a weekend?
What time do you usually wake up on a weekend?
How often do you exercise?
Choose the 1 answer that's the closest match
Less than once a month
Once or twice a month
Once a week
Twice a week
3-4 times a week
5-6 times a week
Every day
Please select a choice
What's the latest you consume caffeine (coffee, tea, energy drinks, etc.)?
Choose the 1 answer that's the closest match
I don't consume caffeine
Only with breakfast
Early afternoon
Late afternoon
Early evening
Late evening
Before bed
Please select a choice
How soon before you go to sleep do you look at your smartphone, tablet or computer?
Choose the 1 answer that's the closest match
I don’t use these devices
Not after work finishes
3-4 hours before bed
2-3 hours before bed
1-2 hours before bed
Less than an hour before bed
In bed
Please select a choice
In the final hours before bedtime, how do you light your room?
Choose the 1 answer that's the closest match
Full overhead lighting
Dimmed overhead lighting
Reading light/lamp light
Ambient/Environmental light
Please select a choice
You're averaging enough sleep, but you could tweak it.
You're getting the right amount of sleep over the whole week, but you're trying to make up for a weekday deficit by sleeping-in at the weekends
6 hours
9.5 hours
7 hours
Although a recent study by Stockholm University suggests this might help, by getting just (HOURS WEEK HERE) extra sleep during the week can give youself all the benefits of a full night's sleep and reclaim (X HOURS) of your weekend.